So I had to go get my 14 yo son today from school. He woke up in the middle of the night and felt sick and his stomach hurt. He took some Maalox and said he went back to sleep. He didn't wake me up to tell me any of this, he told me this morning when he got up to go to school. I gave him another dose of Maalox before school and off he went. I got called at 12:30 pm and he had a fever and needed to come home. Yep, I get to miss another half day of work due to illness. Seriously, I do not need a vacation in 2008, I would much rather spend my PTO time on sick leave!!!!! Oh yes I would, absolutely.
Anyway back to the purpose of this blog... I pick him up and see some marks on his hand. I say, "what is on your hand?" He says, "Sharpie" I say, "WHY?" He says, "I got bored waiting for you to come get me." So for all you people out there that have those toddlers and preschoolers that doodle all over themselves (and I know you are out there as I have read the stories in your blogs) and think they will out grow it. THEY. DO. NOT. Sorry to burst your bubbles, but they don't. And here is living proof that 14 year old boys still DOODLE ON THEMSELVES!
We're doing the sickness thing at our house too, but it include my husband and me too! No fun.
Yep - those Sharpies and boys ... just go together!! Hope you had a good weekend - see ya.
Oh man.. Really, they still write on themselves? What about the walls? Please tell me that by the time they are 14 they only write on themselves and friends (and the occasional graffiti on railroad cars. lol) and that they will be done with my walls, and tables. I hope he feels better soon.
No, they do not outgrow it. We just got our oldest son to stop writing his homework assignments on his hand when, yesterday, my middle son comes home with CHRISTMAS BAZAAR written down the entire. length. of his arm. He said he needed a visual reminder. Sheesh.
oh no on the sharpie...couldn't he have done a more masterpiece type work? lol.
I hope he feels better and I hope that the rest of the family does not get this!
ugh, sharpie-big no-no. I hope he feels better soon and I hope the rest of the family does not get it!
Oh crap!! I was hoping for no more body art!!
Hope he fells better soon!!
Once? My then 2-ish year old took a purple marker and drew all over our yellow leather couches. (That sounds grosser-looking than it was.) Anyway, when I called the store to ask how/if I could fix it, the salesperson recommended birth control. I sat there, for a good solid minute, trying to figure out exactly which kind I'd be rubbing into my couch - an ultra-lubricated condom? a spermicide of some sort? - before it dawned on me what he really meant....
madmad - I was thinking in my head after I read that "Oh NO he did NOT"... omg. I still am unsure if I should laugh or be appalled!
You're talking to me, aren't you? Uggggh. Well, at least now I am armed with the knowledge. Now I need to find a better hiding place for the Sharpies!
My 15 year old doesn't doodle on herself, but she's not above drawing on her 5 year-old sister. My 12 year-old also still draws on herself, AND the 5 year-old. Between the three of them, the little one always has something written on her. If they wanted help the community, they could at least write "WARNING" on her.
Ok first of all, I want to apologize for not coming to visit lately, my google reader has not been letting me know you updated.
My oldest, who is almost 12 (less than 2 weeks left) still draws on himself, his shoes, his pants, his carpet, books, newspapers etc. etc. He actually drew on the carpet with shoe polish the other day. WTH is he thinking??? Is it a boy thing is what I want to know. he has a sketch pad to draw on, but does he use that? Nope not at all. Some days I could seriously hurt the boy. On those days I sit in my room and dream about becoming an alcoholic. (well not really, but I do dream about getting a night to myself to get a margarita or two or twelve) LOL.
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